“We studied 28 consecutive patients to whom we applied two Taopatch® devices. This study has shown that the use of a technology which improves movement, proprioception, and balance can be extremely useful for patients affected by multiple sclerosis.”
- Dr. Alberto Lomeo, Vascular Surgeon
“The results we obtained [from multiple sclerosis subjects] were very comforting; we’ve seen an improvement in all of the parameters considered.”
- Dr. Giuseppe Messina, Dentist
“Taopatch has a clinically evident result in no time, does not have side effects or unwanted effects, and has a remarkable postural value and is also instrumentally visible on the stabilometric platform."
- Dr. Pietro Bressan, General Surgeon
“The ultra-low-level electromagnetic field generated by the devices may provide an improvement to the input system or central modulation resulting in an improved muscle tone and, thus, an enhanced posture control.”
- Dr. Stefano Corna, Physiatrist
(Specializes in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation)
“Thanks to this wonderful technology as a professional, I can restore and develop more propriocity, to give to the body more and more efficient performance.”
- Dr. Francesco Lo Re, General Practitioner